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Oradoras da WiDS Portugal 2021

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Susana Brás
Geek Girls Portugal & researcher at IEETA/ DETI, University of Aveiro 


Catarina Silva
As Raparigas do Código & Chief Researcher at Nature Research Centre

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Susana Brás

Susana Brás is a mentor at Geek Girls Portugal, a non-governmental organization that focuses on engaging, inspiring, and empowering women through meetings and workshops, awareness sessions in schools to inspire young women, and mentoring to support the development and career advancement of women in technology. She is also a researcher at IEETA/ DETI, University of Aveiro. Her research has focused on Affective Computing, where she has studied the emotional response of individuals through the processing of physiological signals. Her focus of interest is on biometric identification of emotions and emotional states, emotion modeled environments and information extraction from biomedical databases. Susana Brás graduated in Mathematics Applied to Technology, from FCUP, in 2005. She started her professional career in the same year, in the actuarial area. In 2010 she finished her PhD in Biomedical Sciences where she studied ways to automate the assessment of unconsciousness in patients under intravenous anesthesia. Always with a great curiosity to understand the process itself and find quantifiable justifications, led to an interest and dedication to Data Science.


Catarina Silva

Catarina Silva is a multidisciplinary scientist in evolutionary biology, fisheries science and marine conservation and is currently working as Chief Researcher at Nature Research Centre. Her research focus is on the development and integration of new technologies in biodiversity monitoring, in particular at the population level.  She is also an instructor and mentor at “As Raparigas do Código”, a non-governmental organization that aims to create learning opportunities for girls and women to acquire digital skills and learn coding. Catarina earned a PhD from Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand in 2015. From 2015 to 2017 she worked as a postdoctoral researcher at University of Helsinki, Finland and in 2017 she joined James Cook University, Australia as a postdoctoral research fellow. She returned to Portugal in 2021 and worked as a data scientist at DTx-Colab, a non-profit private association.

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